Python On Macbook Pro

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$ python -version Python 2.7.15. Above instructions for 'install python 3 on mac using homebrew' worked perfectly on a new macbook air Feb 2020. Initially meant to fill in the gaps, today, Python is considered one of the most reliable and popular tools in development, data analysis, and infrastructure management. Since it was introduced in 1991, Python was only used as a backup option for quick prototyping and automation. On a retina Macbook Pro this window appears in a low-resolution mode, with one OpenGL pixel being represented by four physical pixels. It would be much nicer if it would display in the full native resolution. My Question Is there any way to obtain a native resolution OpenGL context in Python on Retina displays, using glut or otherwise?

This page provides the instructions for how to install and run IPython and Jupyter Notebook in a virtualenv on Mac.

Most probably your Mac has already come with Python installed (see step 1 and step 2 below to check whether Python and Python 3 is installed on your mac, because my Mac book air has both Python and Python3.6 installed, I will go ahead to step 3 to install virtualenv).

Open a terminal on your mac and type in Python and Python3 to see whether Python and Python3 installed on your mac. See below for example.

Follow the steps below for detailed instructions.

Step 1: Check whether Python is installed on your Mac To test whether your Mac has Python 2.x or 3.x, look at the instructions below.

Open a terminal (in your launchpad, type in terminal, and then click and open it.)

Type inpython, if you see similar thing as the pic shown below, it means python 2.7 was installed on your Mac

typeexit()to exit from the Python 2.7 environment

Typepython3in your terminal, if you see similar warning as the pic shown below, it means you will need to install Python 3 (see the steps below for installation). If you see older version (< 3.5) of python 3 installed on your mac, follow step 2 to install Python 3.5

Step 2: Install Python 3.5

I recommend you download Python 3.5.4 from here, if you do not have Python 3.x pre-installed on your mac.

Click the installer and install it following the wizard.

When you finish the installation, typepython3in your terminal, if you see similar stuff in the pic below, Python 3.5 is installed successfully and you are ready to proceed to step 3.

Running Python On Mac

Step 3: Install virtualenv

Note:the command text in blue is the exact command you should type into your terminal, the same through this whole instruction.

Step 4: Setup virtualenv environment

Issue the command below to set up a virtualenv environment that we will use later, using thevitualenvwe installed in step 3 above.

Step 5: Install IPython

Before installing IPython and Jupyter Notebook, be sure to activate your python virtual environment first.

Type the following command to install IPython

Step 6: Install Jupyter Notebook

Use the following command to install Jupyter Notebook

Step 7: Test jupypter notebook installation

Step 8: Add Kernel

The Jupyter Notebook and other frontends automatically ensure that the IPython kernel is available. However, if you want to use a kernel with a different version of Python, or in a virtualenv environment, you'll need to install that manually.

We are using virutalenv, so we need to installIPythonkernel in the virtualenv we created in Step 4 above.

Step 9:Before we are running our jupyter Notebook, let us create a folder from which we will start our jupyter notebook.

The following command will change our directory to Desktop (cdrefers to change directory)

the following command will help us create a folder named Geog597_ML_session under our Desktop folder

the following command will change our directory into the folder we just created.

Step 10: Run Jupyter Notebook

Snagit 2019 0 0 – screen capture utility. Then your default browser should automatically open a web page similar to the one shown below.

Macbook pro disk is full. If the web page does not show up automatically, just type localhost:8888 into your browser, you should see the page shown above.

Step 11: Testing and Using Jupyter Notebook


By this point you should have Jupyter Notebook running, and you should be connected to it using a web browser. Jupyter Notebook is very powerful and has many features. Below I will outline a few of the basic features to get you started using the notebook. Automatically, Jupyter Notebook will show all of the files and folders in the directory it is run from (for our case, it is empty now, because we have not put anything in that folder Desktop/test_jupyterwe just created in step 9 ).

To create a new notebook file, select New > ipy-jupyter-venv3 from the top right pull-down menu (Note: this is the so called kernel we installed in Step 8 above):

This will open a notebook. We can now run Python code in the cell or change the cell to markdown (markdown is for note, not for code). For example, change the first cell to accept Markdown by clicking Cell > Cell Type > Markdown from the top navigation bar, or by click the Markdown shown in the pic below. We can now write notes using Markdown, for example, type the following into the cell after changing it to markdown:

HitCtrl + Enter, you will see it the text changed into heading style.

Then insert one cell by the menu shown below (insert Cell Below).

type in the following

and then hitCtrl + Enter. You should see the following.

Step 12: Stop jupyter Notebook.

To stop the Jupyter Notebook process, pressCTRL+C,

typeY, and hitENTERto confirm. The following will be displayed:

Pdf support software. Step 13: Exit virtualenv environment

Once you are done, remember to exit your virtualenv using the following command:

Note that your prompt changes back (see the pic below)

Step 14: Instructions for using Jupyter Notebook next time

Install Python On Macbook Pro

Next time when you need to use you jupyther notebook, following the steps summarized below. How do i delete games from facebook.

Change directory to where you would like to start your jupyter-notebook

Run jupyter notebook:

Install Python On Macbook

Congratulations, you have now set upipythonandjupyter notebook on your mac!

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